
Eye Doctor near me - Glasses image

Low vision and blindness have dire effects on individuals, families, and communities. These effects range from a decrease in quality of life and increased mortality to large-scale economic consequences. Culturally, there is often a stigma associated with blindness, further alienating the afflicted from their communities.

At Eyeology, we believe in reinvesting in our community. Join us in being part a change.

Seva Sunday

Community Eye exams & Treatments

Everyone deserves a well rounded health and vision screening. At Eyeology, every first sunday of the month we are giving back to the community by offering vision screenings along with other health care practitioners and educators to help the community. No OHIP or Insurance or Payments are collected these days.

These community days are called Eyeology Day (formerly known as Seva Sunday).
For more information:

Schedule an appointment

Or call us directly for emergencies